Monday 1 April 2013

A as in ALPHABET (A-Z Challenge)

Alphabet. After alpha and beta, the first two letters in the Greek series of letters. We English-users follow that sequence (more or less). And from those tiny building blocks, we build words, ideas, unimaginable worlds which can sweep through our minds like a soft summer's breeze, or devastating tornado.

Stop. Think. What would life be like without words? Grunt and point? Well, that would work for "Pass the meat" around a Neanderthal campfire. But how could we do an A - Z Challenge (called, in Canada, an "Eh? to Zed Challenge") without words? Share felt emotions? Describe the texture of the sky, the roughness of bark in the woodland, the joyous gurgle of the brook? 

We've got the whole month of April to do that! I'm looking forward to the words other writers will share with me, and I'll try to find a few to share with them. 

Also, A is for Arlee, as in Arlee Bird, who is founder of the A - Z Challenge. Such an expansive enterprise this has become, Arlee; this year, 1,700 plus. Now, you've got a dozen helpers to keep the project going. Well done! And thank you for the challenge. 

Do you have a favourite word, or set of words — words that you use often? If so, tell us about it/them.

A is also for Aardvark, apple, astronaut, appealing, and Algonquin (Anishinabe).

Blessings and Bear hugs, folks!


  1. And you are off and running...
    Great job, my friend!!

    1. Thank you, Jackie. But this Bear tends to trundle, rather than run.

      Blessing and Bear hugs

  2. A is for April the beginning of your challenge.sandie

    1. April also begins with the letter A. A good addition to my list. Thanks, Sandie!

      Blessings, as always.

  3. Your post was so warm and friendly. My favorite word is probably FEARLESS.

    1. Thank you for dropping by, Megan. You have FEARLESS-LY entered the domain of the Bear; that is not something for the faint-hearted. I appreciate your kind words. I'll be over to see you, later.

      Blessings and Bear hugs!

  4. Yea for "A"!

    Hopefully, no April Fool's jokes for you today! Eh?

  5. Thanks for visiting, Reffie. And no April Fools jokes. None of that nonsense in our refined household. (If you think "refined" and "Bears" don't belong together, you don't know much about Bears!)

    Blessings and Bear hugs!
    Bears Noting

  6. Loved this post and love all the bear pictures. Bears are so majestic.

  7. Thank you for coming and leaving such a cheery note. And I agree with you; we Bears are majestic!

    Blessings and Bear hugs!
    Bears Noting

  8. I am in AWE of all of you who take up this challenge.

    1. So sweet of you to come by and say that! Thank you!

      I've got several days worth done already. Working on D, but K is completed. If you're looking for some sort of logic or orderliness, forget that notion; that is not the ursine way. We Bears tend to go with what is at hand. As in hand to mouth.

      Blessings and Bear hugs!
      Bears Noting

  9. All I can think of is Armageddon and I honestly don't know why.

    1. Let's not go there. That is way too heavy for this old Bear. I wonder what this is bringing up in your life?

      Hope you're feeling good today. At least better than you were!

      Blessings and Bear hugs.

  10. A is also for Amazing, Bear! I look forward to a full month of fun with you and your words!

  11. Actually, I find a maze to be a bit frightening. Usually I can never find my way out. What i can do this week? Well, I guess we'll have to see.

    Hope you are feeling well enough to go mountain climbing this week.

    Blessings and Bear hugs.

  12. I appreciate you stopping by earlier and giving me bear hugs! Bigger, better bear hugs back!

    I don't have a favorite set of words. Words are my friends, my children; I love them all.

    1. reat to have made your acquaintance, Marjorie. Thanks for stopping by leaving note. Loving words; the mark of a writer.

      Blessings and Bear hugs.

  13. Love the word aardvark actually, anything that repeats a letter always sounds a bit outthere!

    1. Glad you've come by, Jody. Last year, I did "A as in Aardvark," for the A-Z Challenge and learned a whole lot more than I could ever use. Great for cleaning up ants they are. You are not in need of one, I trust.

      Blessings and Bear hugs.

  14. That's an interesting start to the challenge. For me A is Aaryan, my son :)

    1. Hello, Shipla: thanks for coming to visit the Bear.

      And yes, Aaryan is an excellent A-word. Thanks for letting me know about your son.

      Blessings and Bear hugs to you both.

  15. It's good to see you up and about again, thanks for calling in at my place.
    A for almonds, as in orange and almond cake.......I'll just go and fetch my apron.....

    1. Orange and almond cake! That sounds so delightful. I trust you enjoyed it, or will enjoy it, thoroughly.

      I'm also glad that you dropped by. Good to make contact with you again. Thank you.

      Blessings and Bear hugs.

  16. A is also for appreciate Bear :) nice start to the challenge !

    1. Thanks for the visit, Priya, and for the kind note. See you later.

      Blessings and Bear hugs!

  17. Hey Bear! I just want to thank you for yesterday's comment. It meant a lot to me, and made me think ... so much so that my B for today is Bear, in honour of you. So thank you, my friend, an good luck with A to Z!

  18. Wow! What a wonderful and insightful post you have done today! Powerful! Yes! What a "get up and dance" woman you are. Thank you for the honour, and for this mornings visit!

    Blessings and Bear hugs!

  19. I use the word 'awesome' way too much! (By the way, your blog is awesome.)

    April has presented us with so many poetic challenges I've decided to stick with the Imaginary Garden With Real Toads challenges ~~ using the alphabet each day as inspiration. Tomorrow is D .. I'm considering Dante ~ whatcha think?

  20. Thanks for the visit. And the kind thought. I'll be back to visit later today.

    About Dante: if I were you, I would be undaunted in following that thought.

    Blessings and Bear hugs!
    Bears Noting

    1. P.S.: I think you work is awesome. As opposed to awefull.


So glad you've dropped by the Bear's den. Please leave a note -- getting notes is such fun, and often informative. I'll get back to you, here or by e-mail, as soon as I can (or, if it's winter, after I wake up). 'Til then, please Bear with me.
PLEASE NOTE: THIS IS AN AWARD-FREE AND MEME-FREE SITE. While I'm honoured to receive awards, I find they take way too much energy in completing. Thanks, but no, thanks.