Thursday 25 April 2013

V as in VIRTUAL (A-Z Challenge)

I've often heard of electronic creations like blogging as offering virtual reality. But I'm not so sure.

Virtual is defined in my on-line dictionary as "almost or nearly as described, but not completely or according to strict definition." "Virtual reality" comes as "the computer-generated simulation of a three-dimensional image or environment that can be interacted with in a seemingly real or physical way by a person using special electronic equipment."

Sorry, that is just so "not on," folks.

You are not computer-generated people; you're real, "flesh and blood," Human beings. Just like my friends Bill, and Howard, and Bill who liver here in River City. What we are doing, by blogging, is essentially "high-speed letter writing." Instead of my letter to arriving in a few days, or a week, or a couple of weeks, it arrives a few seconds after I send it. We're sharing thoughts with one another, just as we would in a letter delivered by "snail mail." When I think of you, you're not "virtual friends," you're friends — real friends.

This "virtual" stuff is enough to make a Bear grumpy.

V is also for victorious, verdant, volition, variable, and velociraptor.

Blessings and Bear hugs, friends.


  1. I love this, Rob. I do feel that my on line friends are very much real friends. I keep track of them and if they don't post for a while, I'll e-mail to make sure they're ok. Are you old enough to remember pen pals? It's sort of like that in my mind. I have friends all over the world now and it's amazing! Great post!

    1. I had a pen pal once. I remember. Friends are friends, wherever. My on-line friends are from North America, to Europe, to Australia.

      Blessings and Bear hugs!
      Bears Noting

  2. I remember when the words "Virtual World" came into being. I was utterly confused. Now I realize it has more to do with the gaming industry and I am still utterly confused.

    Yes, we bloggers are flesh and blood and use the technology to reach out to people we would never have met. It brings us all closer together and if used with kindness, it is a wonderful thing.

    1. Using technology to reach out. Indeed!

      Blessings and Bear hugs!
      Bears Noting

  3. Im sorry but "grumpy" was yesterday! You're just gonna have to get over it Mr. Bear! Your very real, new, but real, friend...Z~

    1. Thanks Zoe, my new and real friend.

      Blessings and Bear hugs!
      Bears Noting

  4. I've met some great real friends online. They were real. I touched them and I was real at the time. I can attest that none of that experience was part of a virtual reality. Though, this fact doesn't stop me from referring to things off the computer as 'real life' which is probably a little bit of a contradiction then. :)

    1. You've had some great experiences, Jean. Thanks for sharing that. 'Real life' via computer? Why not?

      Blessings and Bear hugs!
      Bears Noting

  5. You are virtually right. I'll stop calling you my virtual friend just because I never met you and call you my real friend! Good call, Bear! :-)

    1. Great friend yo are, DJan!

      Blessings and Bear hugs!
      Bears Noting

  6. It was hard to accept at first; that blog and bodiless friends could be bonafide friends. But that was five plus years ago. Now I know the friendships are strong and real.

    We are so much the richer for it.

    Yay. xoxo

    1. Richer we are indeed, kj. Thanks for sharing that.

      Blessings and Bear hugs!
      Bears Noting

  7. I don't think you're going to have anyone of us disagree with you. Having met a few of my bloggie people, and chatting on the phone with a few others, I figure they're some of the most real people I know.

    1. Wonderful experiences, Hilary. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

      Blessings and Bear hugs!
      Bears Noting
      Life in the Urban Forest (poetry)

  8. Blogging is like pen pals on steroids.
    I'm amazed at the people I've met through my blog, and you're right. I may not be able to see them in person, but the internet has allowed me to find more people who share my interests even if they live halfway around the world.

    1. Pen pals on steroids. What a well-turned phrase!

      And I would guess that we disclose more to each other through the blogsphere than we would face-to-face.

      Blessings and Bear hugs!
      Bears Noting
      Life in the Urban Forest (poetry)

  9. My blogger buddies are definitely real friends.


  10. Very, very true. Oh Rob I've had such problems with Blogspot since it's changed, circles, shmircles and google+ and I'm left without a link that works, despite managing to add the widget you kindly showed me. I'm going back to the drawing board and starting afresh, afresh, with wordpress. Wish me luck!! Reasons x

    1. Best wishes, Joanne. I'm just glad you're back to blogging! I missed you when you were away.

      Blessings and Bear hugs!
      Bears Noting
      Life in the Urban Forest (poetry)

  11. Bear,
    Don't get grumpy, Bear. I know just what would make you sweeter..... a jar full of honey. And you don't even have to go into a big hole and get stung retrieving it. I'll get organic honey at the health food store.
    Then you can do the "honey dance."
    Take care.

  12. Agreed. Though when I do write a physical letter, it usually feels different--perhaps it's just the fact it's so much easier to edit when you're typing as opposed to using a pen.

  13. I love how I know so many people so instantly and how I can be in touch with them so easily. And no, they are not virtual, but persons of flesh and blood with real personalities.

  14. I am so glad and honored that we have become friends and we are real people who share the same real problems. Thanks for understanding how I feel. Makes me feel not so alone :) All thanks to blogging :) Who knew LOL

  15. I've noticed that even though I moved four thousand miles friendships made with other bloggers have lasted. On the other hand many people I knew for years at work said their last goodbyes and forgot me.

  16. Evil Twin says she is virtually grumpy. I told her there is nothing virtual about it.

    I love all my blogging friends, even those with huge paws and teeth!

  17. But I guess these words I'm writing to you are virtual -- unless I speak them as I write. :)

    #atozchallenge, Kristen's blog:

  18. I remember trying to explain to my dad what virtual reality or online friends were. To my it just means that they are friends I talk with through the internet, still real friends I just might not see them face to face.

    Dark Thoughts Blog

  19. One of the amazing things about blogging is the depth of friendship we have with other bloggers. Shouldn't really be surprising given how much we reveal ourselves in our posts.

    Pauleen at Tropical Territory
    A to Z 2013

  20. You're so right, Pauleen. Over-reveal ourselves? Who would ever do that?

    Blessings and Bear hugs!
    Bears Noting
    Life in the Urban Forest (poetry)


So glad you've dropped by the Bear's den. Please leave a note -- getting notes is such fun, and often informative. I'll get back to you, here or by e-mail, as soon as I can (or, if it's winter, after I wake up). 'Til then, please Bear with me.
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