Wednesday 24 April 2013

U as in UNTIMELY (A-Z Challenge)

I've mentioned in the past, that we've had more than six months of winter in and around River City. Finally spring is making it's untimely (unusual, unsuitable) arrival! Untimely, as in very late.

I was checking the Bear News Channel (BNC, #945 0n cable), and the reporter was saying the arrival of spring is being greeted with "generally positive" responses. One maritimus (Polar Bear) near Churchill, Manitoba said it was "about time," while an americanus (Black Bear) near Aylmer, Quebec, said it was «simplement merveilleux» [tr: simply wonderful]. Even the "usually grumpy" arctos horribilis (Grizzly Bears) were "enjoying the change of seasons," the reporter said. "Great time to be alive," said an arctos, who was interviewed near Banff, Alberta.

(I'm not so sure about the "usually grumpy" bit about us arctos horribilis Bears. How to cut a Bear down, or what? I know that most of the Bears working for BNC are americanus, which may have skewed the reporter's opinion, or she may have been having a bad day — like the Humans I know occasionally do.)

But, yeah, it's great to see some spring-time weather, no matter how untimely it is. I'm with the maritimus from up north: "about time."

How great is it? See for yourself.

Spring break-up — ice pans floating down the winter
Even the Geese are getting into a bit of a flap
Humans enjoying the sunshine
Tennis, anyone?
And that's the kind of day it has been up here.


1. Is Bear "usually grumpy," as the reporter for BNC said? I need to know.

2. Have you posted any pictures of spring in your area on your blog? If not, would you please try? Everyone will feel better, I think.

U is also for unabridged, ultimate, under, unctuous, and ursine (of course!)

Blessings and Bear hugs, everyone!


Wouldn't you know it! I got this post all done. Then I got new weather information.

The average temperature between the beginning of March and the middle of April was -9°C (16F). That is way below normal. In fact, the coldest since 1899. There is so much snow on the ground, in so many places, that the snow has set a new record. And we're getting predictions of flooding. The sandbaggers are hard at it, all over the place. 

Doesn't that just bring a smile to your face? (No, I didn't think so.)


  1. Now that is COLD! My goodness, Bear, I think any creature would be a little bit grumpy to have that kind of cold experience. Hope it gets better sooner rather than later! :-)

    1. Yes, a bit more than fresh and invigorating, DJan! Hope you have a wonderful, and not so fresh, day.

      Blessings and Bear hugs!
      Bears Noting

  2. Today it was 20C here and that is the warmest it has been yet. We do rejoice! I wish you a lot of luck hauling in springtime and enjoying every minute of it. This was a fun post.

    1. Right now, it's -3C here, but with a good wind, taking it down to -8. We're supposed to get to 3C today. I'll wait and see. Spring is coming, but in a race, would easily lose to a snail.

      Blessings and Bear hugs!
      Bears Noting

  3. Hope you have an unusually long and beautiful spring and summer. sandie

    1. Thanks, Sandie. I hope you have a wonderful spring and sumer, too!

      Blessings and Bear hugs!
      Bears Noting

  4. May your summer be warm and gorgeous. And yes, I posted pictures of trees in bloom in our little town a while back, but then it got cold again. Now it feels like spring is really here. the road runner couple is back and birds are twittering and I am hoping to not run into one of you americanus with cub on my walks.

    1. Glad that spring has arrived in the high desert. And I suppose the Roadrunners will run all over the place.

      Strangely, americans females with cubs have been known to abandon their cubs when the going gets tough. Still, good plan to take dogs with you when you go out. Dogs have been able to corner Bears quite effectively. (It'll give Samson a new skill, maybe.)

      Blessings and Bear hugs!
      Bears Noting

  5. I am enjoying seeing the photos of your winter/spring. It is something I don't get to see here (5 minutes from the Florida line), I enjoy the sights, myself.

    1. Glad you enjoyed the pictures. It's still -3C this morning (about 27F), but this afternoon we're supposed to see +3C (37F), We live hopefully!

      Blessings and Bear hugs!
      Bears Noting

  6. not crabby....

    Just posted spring for you and others!

    1. Thank you for both of those treats! I'll trundle over your way, anon.

      Blessings and Bear hugs!
      Bears Noting

  7. I can't post photos of spring on my blog because Favorite Young Man took our digital camera to Hawaii with him on vacation, and I bet it didn't return with him. But my rose bush is lovely. I like the responses of the bears and their proper names.


    1. Thanks for dropping by and visiting. I think it is important for Humans to understand Bears, so they don't get into any "unfortunate encounters."

      And I just adore you rose bush. Truly luxuriant; beautifully pruned. Resplendent with glorious blooms! Um . . . what colour are they?

      Blessings and Bear hugs!
      Bears Noting

    2. Red roses. They represent my love affair with Elvis Aaron Schwarz.

  8. It makes me smile that I'm not there, but it makes me sad that you are.

    1. I'm glad you're smiling. Don't feel bad for me; after you've lived in it here for a few decades, you wouldn't know how to live any other way.

      There is a secret to living in this environment. As you don't live here, you don't need to know the secret.

      Be cool, but stay warm!
      Bears Noting

  9. We're having an unusual spell of warm weather here on the Pacific coast, a temperate zone where the fluctuation is not about temperature exactly, but wind and rain. We go from wet to dry, cool in spring/ summer, and cooler in fall/ winter. I couldn't even imagine the kind of winter you endure!

    1. Truth is, Rosaria, we have four seasons here. Winter. Still winter. Getting nicer. Road construction.

      Living here is all about adapting. There's a secret to living here. But, as I told Snowbrush, since you don't live here, you don't need to know the secret.

      Blessings and Bear hugs!
      Bears Noting

  10. Beautiful pictures. I can't wait till spring. It is only 37 degrees here today. Wish it would warm up and stay that way!!


    1. Glad you enjoyed the pictures. Thanks for letting me know.

      You got 37°F; we got 37F (or 3C). It's quite nice. Definitely beats -20C. (I don't think you want to know what that is in degrees F).

      I'll come your way, shortly.

      Blessings and Bear hugs!
      Bears Noting

  11. Yea! The ice is floating away. I hope Bear is spared any flooding!

    I hope spring and summer last for awhile up there!

    1. In fact, Reffie, all the ice left his afternoon! We don't worry too much about flooding. We're a hundred feet or more above the flood plain — meaning the whole downtown would flood before the water got half way to the back door of the apartment building, and we're six floors above that.

      We'll have a few great days before winter sets in, again. I expect we'll have time for one baseball game. Two if we're really lucky.

      Blessings and Bear hugs!
      Bears Noting

  12. Those huge slices of ice on the water makes you realise the greatness of nature which waits for no boat

    1. I'm looking our the window of my study, and the complete ice shelf has disappeared today. That's the ice shelf that covered half the river over the winter. Gone. Nice change; no flooding around here, either.

      Blessings and Bear hugs!
      Bears Noting

  13. How does one bear a grumpy bear? Just don't bare your thoughts because it would be more than he could bear!

    They are a most intriguing animal.

    You're tip-toeing into Spring while we here Down Under are springing into Autumn!

    I've just arrived from Cosmo's blog to pop in to say "G'Day!"

    I'm a regular on his "G'Day, Rob-Bear" I hope you don't mind me calling in uninvited!

    1. Arvo, Miss. I'm so glad you've popped up from down under. As soon as I saw your note, I said to myself, I said, "Criky; that's one of J.C.'s mates!" And I was right.

      Intriguing existential question: How does one Bear a grumpy Bear? (Remember: always a capital B on Bear.) In reply, I ask: How much can a Koala Bear, when it isn't really a Bear? (See my post "K as in Koala.")

      Blessings and Bear hugs, love!
      Bears Noting

  14. We have all had a late spring. The good part about it is that it has either ended or will end soon. Flooding, well that is another worry.

    1. May you be high and dry! Unless, of course, you are out sailing.

      Blessings and Bear hugs!
      Bears Noting

  15. We've had a late Spring here too, very unusual for this part of the world. We normally get at least one month of sunshine and warmth before the rains begin. Mind you I'm just grateful that it doesn't get as humid as I remember it being when I lived in central Canada....I remember it being similar to trying to breath through a wet towel!

    1. I've been hearing from a number of my Brit friends how "not fun" the weather has been this year. Particularly lots of snow. I do hope you get something decent before the rainy season begins.

      Breathing through a wet towel is a good metaphor for Central Canada. We live on the Prairie now. Dry, or what?

      Blessings and Bear hugs!
      Bears Noting

  16. Brrrr! I don't like the cold. Today in Utah it was a pleasant 55 degrees F. The sun was out too which made the day all the more gorgeous. I will have to post some spring pictures one of these days.

    Hmmm, how does one tell if a bear is "usually grumpy"?

    1. Oh, 55 degrees is nice weather. For Humans it's "put on a sweater and you'll be fine" weather. And not too hot for me in my fur coat.

      I'm looking forward to your pictures!

      Blessings and Bear hugs!
      Bears Noting

  17. It only gets down to about 18 F (-8 C), but I love having all the seasons. We tend to always have a late Spring, every year. It snows all the way to Easter, but Winter starts a little late for us as well. Those photos are beautiful.

    #atozchallenge, Kristen's blog:


So glad you've dropped by the Bear's den. Please leave a note -- getting notes is such fun, and often informative. I'll get back to you, here or by e-mail, as soon as I can (or, if it's winter, after I wake up). 'Til then, please Bear with me.
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