Sunday 21 April 2013

SUNDAY 3 — April 21, 2013 (A-Z Challenge)

"Hidee ho!" said the Bear.  "Is anyone out there in the blogsphere?" Things are almost too quiet. I sense a calamity brewing.

Or, maybe it's just bloggers getting ready for week four of the A-Z Challenge? Good grief; week four already! S-X. (Not that doesn't mean what your think; straighten out your mind!)

Or perhaps bloggers are doing something very wise, like playing with partners, and children, and friends, and pets. (We had a birthday party for our daughter-in-law.)

If you're out there, will you tell me what is going on at your place?
Blessings and Bear hugs!


We were supposed to get snow yesterday. What we got was rain (though fairly "thick" rain at some points). In the end, the was less white stuff on the ground than at the beginning of the day. So that's good! 

Rumours are circulating that this may be the start of spring. Here's hoping. Six months of winter is quite enough.

This is today

This was a week ago.

Yup; Bear-approved spring weather!


  1. What's going on at my place is renovations.. lots and lots of boxes all over the place. Painting, flooring .. new doors.. etc. Luckily our weather has improved somewhat.. I need those escape outings!

    I hope your weather is bear-approved from here on in.

    1. Oh, Hilary! Renovations are such fun! I hope you're having a hilar-ious time.

      But, maybe not.

      And yes, the weather is Bear-approved. Which makes me think I should go back and post a couple of pictures. Yup; that sounds like a good plan.

      Blessings and Bear hugs!
      Bears Noting

  2. Love the pictures, thanks for sharing them.

    This morning I cleaned out the ratty cages.
    Dusted and cleaned up around the apartment a little. Played with the rats some more and got ready for my younger brother who is coming into town tomorrow for a visit.

    Dark Thoughts Blog

    1. Glad you had fun with your critters. And I hope you have a great visit with your brother.

      Blessings and Bear hugs!
      Bears Noting

  3. This AM met friends for tea in Great Barrington. Came home and did some editing on my book project. Made a batch of dog food for my boy Skips, took a walk in the woods...he almost tore after one of your brethren but luckily I grabbed him before he could take flight,turned around and retreated, came back in and had to crash...been tired lately. Read for a while ...gonna take the boy for another short walk..Hope you had a good is coming!

    1. If you encountered an Ursine character in the Woods, the least you could have done as made the acquaintance of the Bear. Seriously, we Bears get such a bad rap; we don't deserve all the negative press.

      Hope the rest of your week goes well.

      Blessings and Bear hugs!
      Bears Noting

      P.S.: Dd you get the note I left for you with my new post on Blogland Lane?

    2. Nope...I will head over there now I guess...I dont think your buddies appreciate the caniche as much as you might...I think they are grateful we went the other way today...He had one of your friends pinned in the chicken coup the other day and made him/her quite too!

    3. just getting around to this one...nominated your blog and YOU I guess...for a blog award thingy...dont feel obligated to do all the machinations, I know what its like coming out of hibernation. Just wanted you to know I appreciate your style.Its posted on Sun on Rewritten.

    4. A caniche can be a problem. And I can so understand a skitterish Bear. Dogs do have strange behaviours, and one can never quite tell what they might do.

      ~ Bear

  4. Here in my neck of the woods I am taking a much needed break from the A-Z to catch up on commenting and laundry. Came down with an awful cold. Will be so glad when it is really spring and the temps warm up. Hope you are having a great Sunday!


    1. Sorry to hear about the cold. Hope you are soon well-heeled. (Or is it well-healed?)

      And you've just reminded me; I have laundry to do today.

      Hope you have a better week, Kathy.

      Blessings and Bear hugs!
      Bears Noting

  5. I think for me this tragedy at Boston made me remember Newtown - remembering other things - and i just wonder why people are so angry. I have just been praying. Hope you are okay. sandie

    1. Yes, a lot of stuff about which people can be angry. Angry is not a good attitude for solving problems.

      Blessings and Bear hugs!
      Bears Noting

  6. What's going on at my place is renovation...of me. Surgery Wednesday, so recouping up until now. Finally off pain meds.

    Around this house? Peace. And two wonderdogs. We might do some spring cleaning while I'm off...the kind where, you know, I point, he does? Being grounded as to weight lifting does have it's benefits...right?

    1. Oh, you poor dear! Well, just cuddle up to the wonderdogs, and let the house go to the dogs until you're better. That's the way I would handle the situation. But, remember, I'm a Bear. My version of clean might not match the expectations of others. Especially other Humans.

      Hope you are well-heeled, soon. (Or is it well-healed?)

      Blessings and Bear hugs!
      Bears Noting

  7. I have no idea how you handle six months of winter since four months of long dark, freezing cold, and too much snow has almost done for my sense of humor. That's almost.

    Best wishes for a long and glorious warm season to you, my friend.

    1. There is a trick for handling six-month winters. But since you don't live out here, I can't tell you what it is.

      Thanks for the summer weather wishes. i hope you have a delightful summer, without those pesky hericanes. Or hurricanes.

      Quick question for an Atlantic person. If you give a hurricane a male's name, which they do now, does that make it a himicane?

      So many challenging questions in life.

      Blessings and Bear hugs!
      Bears Noting

  8. Let's see: today was my son's friend's sixth-birthday party. It was at the zoo, and the kids had a great time! I've had a bad cold all week, and I think all the walking around in 40-degree temperatures has made it worse. Oh, well. Can't let that stop me. :)

    I hope you have a great week!

    1. A birthday party for a six-year-old will be a zoo, no matter where it is held.

      Sorry to hear about your cold. It's that in-between season nonsense. Last night, it was too hot to sleep without an open window, but too cold to sleep with the window open. Sigh!

      Hope you have a wonderful week, with S through X.

      Blessings and Bear hugs!
      Bears Noting

  9. I'm sitting around home nursing a cold I picked up during my travels. It rained all morning but the sun is shining now. Glad that spring is finally coming to Bear's home! :-)

    1. The proverbial spring cold. "Grrrr" said the Bear. Not helped by a cool and rainy day.

      I hope you're soon over what ails you, and that you have a good week.

      Blessings and Bear hugs!
      Bears Noting

  10. I got up beary early for a race this morning. I had to swim, cycle, and then run and boy am I glad it is spring here even though I was cold riding my bike.

    I need some fur, like a bear.....or a cat.

    "EVIL TWIN! Step away from the cat with those scissors!"


    1. Good grief! Giving yourself the runaround today — you poor soul, Reffie. Swimming in cold water on a day like this. What ever possessed you to . . . oh, ho; Evil Twin set you up for this. I can tell.

      Blessings and Bear hugs!
      Bears Noting

  11. Love 'before' and 'after' shots....and I cannot tell much difference (temperature-wise) between the two! Which means that it is still tooooooooo cold in your area, I take it.
    Summer is and will be coming!
    Hang in there, my friend.

    1. Weather still isn't breaking into the "hot zone." Temperatures are getting slightly above freezing; cold winds drag the environment back down into freezing territory. Maybe by the weekend. But we've heard that story too often this year.

      Blessings and Bear hugs!
      Bears Noting

  12. Yeah I've been all but a ghost on the internet the past couple days because my best friend and her now husband are in town staying with us. They got married at the Canyon last weekend and so I've been spending my time entertaining and hanging out with them. It has definitely been a blast :-) But I miss being caught up on everyone's posts! I'll be back soon. Have a great week.

    1. Oh, wow! A best fiend's wedding and visit! How wonderful is that? Awesome.

      For that, we'll give you at least three days grace. If you're not back by then (or soon after), I'll organize a pack of St. Bernards and a search party, and come looking or you.

      Blessings and Bear hugs!
      Bears Noting

  13. Pretty photos!

    #atozchallenge, Kristen's blog:


So glad you've dropped by the Bear's den. Please leave a note -- getting notes is such fun, and often informative. I'll get back to you, here or by e-mail, as soon as I can (or, if it's winter, after I wake up). 'Til then, please Bear with me.
PLEASE NOTE: THIS IS AN AWARD-FREE AND MEME-FREE SITE. While I'm honoured to receive awards, I find they take way too much energy in completing. Thanks, but no, thanks.