Sunday 24 July 2011


Lost or stolen or strayed,
One big, friendly, old Bear,
Seems to have been mislaid.
Last seen wandering vaguely
Quite of his own accord,
All around the south side of town,
Forty Shillings reward.
(with apologies to A. A. Milne)

Of course the British don't use Shillings any more; it's simply Pounds and Pence. Nonetheless, forty Shillings (which sounds like a lot initially) is actually two Pounds Sterling. (I remember that from a long time ago; don't ask why.) That's CAD$3.10 today.

From which you might assume that Canadian Bears come pretty cheap. Especially those who are wandering about vaguely, instead of working diligently at their computers to meet a deadline.

Oh, but the indignity of it all!


  1. Oh, I would not say that bears come cheaply at all, and for those who toil over a computer to make deadlines... sometimes we are just in "the rat race"

    Trying to stay out of the full-tilt rat race this week but still get my work completed...


  2. It is good for the soul to wander and search. Diligent work can be a nice escape. It is always there for when bears want to come home.

  3. I think that you have undervalued yourself at forty shillings. Add a few noughts!

  4. Thanks you, friends.

    Note to cheshire wife.
    One needs to keep these matters in perspective.
    To tell the truth, 40 shillings was the reward offered to the person who found the mother of James James Morrison Morrison Wetherby George Dupree. According to A.A. Milne, King John put up a notice to that effect.
    If someone as important as a mother is worth only 40 bob, a Bear cannot be worth any more. Surely.
    Yes, I know; Bear uses "interesting" logic.


So glad you've dropped by the Bear's den. Please leave a note -- getting notes is such fun, and often informative. I'll get back to you, here or by e-mail, as soon as I can (or, if it's winter, after I wake up). 'Til then, please Bear with me.
PLEASE NOTE: THIS IS AN AWARD-FREE AND MEME-FREE SITE. While I'm honoured to receive awards, I find they take way too much energy in completing. Thanks, but no, thanks.