Thursday, 29 August 2013


First golden tinges
of fall
begin to 
spread themselves 
among the verdant splendour
of summer. 

(Oops; this isn't the poetry blog. But I suppose nobody will mind. Really, it doesn't matter, when all is said and done.)


The "Finder" in my computer is all messed up and will not function. Meaning I cannot get the picture in here. 

Can you tell I am not amused? Well, I'm not. I'm suffering consternation at this point.

Really, it's a nice picture of some green trees, with one yellow tree in their midst, and the river in the background. But words fail to describe the colours.


The Next War (WWIII?)

It seems the United States is going to intervene militarily in Syria. A physical invasion army is not being planned — yet. But ships carrying cruise missiles are approaching the Syrian beaches in the Mediterranean Sea. Airplanes (fighter-bombers) are being moved into positions within striking distance of Syria. Does any of this seem remotely familiar? Libya, perhaps? Iraq, perhaps?

The US is a country that is trillions of dollars in debt, yet it apparently wants to start another war. Over oil. Or something. Essentially by helping Al Queda overthrow the Syrian government, and kill a lot of Christians in the process — though you don't hear about that on major news channels. This gets weirder by the minute. Some might even say more pathological.

We Canadians have a vested interest in this too, because our pro-war government will want to be in there with both feet, as we have been in Afghanistan. Remember Afghanistan; that's another conflict which is still brewing. The west, clearly, lost that war, though it seems the US is hanging on to the oil fields. Anyhow, we Canadians seem to be following US aggression much more eagerly these days. We have one ship to contribute to the process; a symbolic move. Sadly!

But perhaps President Obama believes the 34th Ferengi Rule of Acquisition, which says, "War is good for business." (That means business owners, but not workers, by the way.) But the mythical Ferengi are a Star Trek invention, as are their Rules. Somebody wants to go into a war based on a fantasy? Please folks, the Bear is a little brighter than to buy that. 

Anyhow, that's something that Bears Noting in the coming weeks. 

The thing that makes this a bit tricky is that Russia is an ally of Syria. I don't think any of us wants to see the US and Russians fighting it out. Please, let's not go there!

A House, A House . . .

Renovations at our son's and dil's place are coming along boldly. The windows are in. I expect the next thing will be the shingling of the roof. But what does a Bear know about such things?

"Pictures?" you ask? Sorry, computer malfunction. 

Thinking Faithfully

I thought I had put away some of my blogs, but now I'm getting one out again. No, it's not Chrome on the Range. It's Desert Epiphanies (that's a link), my faith-spirituality-theology blog. 

I realize that, for some of you, Desert Epiphanies will hold no interest at all. Which is why I keep it as a kind of blogging "sidebar" — and not my main publication. I have posted something new there, which you can read if you wish. I expect to be posting more there over the short term. (If you don't want to miss the instalments, you may wish to add Desert Epiphanies to your bloggers' block — though I will remind you here when I post something there, though notice here at Bears Noting may be slow in coming.) 

Blessings and Bear hugs, friends!

Wednesday, 21 August 2013


Here are the latest pictures from the renovations at our son's and dil's house. These spell progress to me!

Roof is coming along nicely.

Looks like lots of inside space.

I haven't seen the addition myself, but J says there is all kinds of room up there. (In the pre-renovation place, things were very squished; it was only a one-and-a-half story house.)

"I  Can Gather All the News I Need from the Weather Report"

Well, maybe not all the news, but a fair amount. It isn't as hot as it has been. The high was just over 20 today (that's 68F), which is pretty darned decent. I got out for a couple of walks (total of 12 blocks — this is good, but I was a bit sore). 

The weekend will bring 30° temperatures (86F+). But starting next week it's all downhill, with early September highs below 20. Does it sound like autumn is coming? 

On the other hand, it's almost spring in Australia, and New Zealand, and Fiji, and Chile, and South Africa, and. . . . 

For the Birds

I saw a family of Canada Geese on the river this morning — lined up as usual.  But all the birds looked adult size, and the line was really strung out. Time goes by; the kinds grow up. Happens every year.

Also found a little bird on the cement deck around our swimming pool. Couldn't say what it was, but when J picked it up and set it on the ledge, it headed for the ground, which has quite a bit of cover. Probably fell out of a nest, thought we didn't hear any parents calling for it. I hope it's OK.

Ringing Ears

The fire alarm went off in the building this afternoon. (False alarm; no smoke, no fire engines.)

But it was so loud, I jumped. Literally. I was busy concentrating on something I was reading. Usually the fire alarm is a faint ringing in th distance; today it sounded like the alarm bell was right in our apartment. I guess bionic ears will do that to you.

And that's the news; I'm Rob-bear!

Blessings and Bear hugs, everyone.

Saturday, 17 August 2013


Yes, it's time to celebrate! Roll out the carpet; bring on the band; light off the fireworks.  (Actually, someone on the riverbank has been letting off fireworks, but I don't know why.)

Before I start, though, a word of thanks to those who have been so supportive. It's not easy being sore! As you understand.

Now, the details.

1. Something undiscussed previously. I have received my set of "bionic ears." (Or, as Granddaughter K calls them, dismissively, hearing aids. I think "bionic ears" sounds so much more interesting! Move over, Steve Austin; you've got competition.) I can hear things so much better! I knew I was having trouble when I couldn't hear and keep up with the conversation in some of our ethics board meetings. 

Now, instead of hearing things that are just around me, I can hear J talking to me from the other end of the apartment. Major improvement! I feel reconnected to the world. 

2. My back, which became such a problem, is now much improved. I don't have to worry about taking relatively short walks. And as I keep walking, I continue to gain strength in my back. So that is good news.

3. My pancreas, which has been so "uppity," is finally learning to behave itself. I'm not completely out of the woods, but am feeling considerably better. I rarely if ever have any symptoms.

The challenge here is that the pancreas produces insulin, without which one becomes diabetic. That is one of the things we will have to watch — to see if my blood sugar rises. Hmmmm. 

4. The deep depression with which I have lived for most of my life is easing. I still live with a lot of the physical symptoms related to depression, from fatigue to physical pain. Yet I seem to be able to manage these better. I know that because I am taking much less pain medication.

Do I expect to be entirely symptom-free? Not likely. But I will happily take any improvement that I can arrange.

Meanwhile . . . 

In the construction department, things are moving ahead, at the back of the house . . .

and at the front.

I have no idea when the work will be finished, but I am excited by the fact that things are moving so smoothly and quickly. Our son T, who has worked in construction, says the workers are very good and very professional. I thoroughly expect the work will be done before the cold weather sets in. That will make everyone happy. I expect the Cubs will enjoy their new home. 

Temperatures here continue to push 38°C (or 100°F). "When you're hot, you're hot." J and I got married in late August one year, on the hottest day of that summer. So we have always expected the latter part of August will have hot weather. We are not surprised by this year's developments, though thy are a bit extreme.

Blessings and Bear hugs, folks! 


Steve Austin was the central character in a tv series of 1974-1978. Austin (played by Lee Majors) was an astronaut badly mangled in a test flight which turned into a crash. He was re-created as the "Six Million Dollar Man" — half person, half robotics. Interesting premise, but coming with huge ethical challenges. (Yes, yes, I know; only your ethicist Bear would notice that. Nonetheless, I'll explore that issue in a future post.)

Wednesday, 7 August 2013


While Bear's health has been variable recently, his blogging has become the same. In fact, there may be some who think the bear is downright lazy. (Yes, there is some truth to that, but only some.)

Several months ago (as in during the early spring) Bear re-injured his back. Bah; humbug. I don't think I said anything about that, because, well, I've been dealing with other things. Like getting stoned from the inside, for having too much gall (so to speak).

There were some plusses and minuses to the re-injury. Since I had trouble trundling around, I was able to sit at my desk with my computer, and spend lots of time writing and visiting through my blog to your blogs.

My back has healed sufficiently that I can get on with some other things. J and I spent about two hours this morning cooking various delightful items (poached salmon, anyone?), getting ready for a week-long visit by the cubs. 

Destruction and Construction

See, their cave is being demolished and rebuilt. Well, only partly demolished.

This is the front of the house that was

The back of the house that was.

First, we see the house that was. (All photos by Tim Brown.)

Then we see the house that is.

Notice the cubs checking out the work.  Not too close, you two!

Finally, we see the house that will yet be!

Yes, I know it is still wrapped up, but give the guys a chance, eh?

See; some of the framing is already done, ready to be lifted into place. 

BTW, Jeff from The Bipolar Diva is the honourary superintendent on the job. (You'll have to go over to her blog and learn about Jeff's very sad misadventure, and maybe offer some help.) 

Back to the Challenge at Hand

So the cubs are coming over, and we are getting ready. 

Another part of my activity, now that my back is getting better is to walk. I've been doing 8, to 10, to 12 blocks a day. And yes, my back really does hurt when I walk. But we soldier on (Inger, please take note in your Desert Canyon). The good news — even a short sit-down rest leads to a major improvement, and on I go.

Tonight, however, I could only go half a block before my back completely gave out, and I practically had to crawl home. (Not fun!)

So, here I am at my computer, writing you a story, trying to distract myself for another half hour, when I can take some more medication. Extra strength Acetaminophen. (Tylenol, if that's what you understand.) And while I don't comment as often as I used to on other peoples' blogs, I am reading your blogs. I don't want to miss the great stories I find there!

More on the walking, later. More on the rebuilt house/den for the cubs, later. 

Blessings and Bear hugs, folks. 

Friday, 2 August 2013


As some of you know, Bear has recently been through some tests, to determine what ails him. Bear got the results this week. 

Basically, there seems to be little wrong. The Abdominal Ultrasound and the CT Scan didn't show much of anything other than the insides of a normal Bear (ah, erm, well, Human; the insides of a normal Human). Insofar as one can consider the Bear normal (in either Ursine or Human phase). 

The best medical bet is that I passed a gall stone. We all know that is quite impossible, of course; Bear doesn't have that much gall. But the infuriating part is that I may be growing some more of those little nuggets. Imagine — Bear getting stoned from within, no extra materials necessary. As well, Bear experiences continuing pain in a few selective situations. Bah; humbug!

Now the specialist wants to shove a scope down my throat and check my upper GI (as in gastro-intestinal) tract. (So like a surgeon, trying to shove something down my throat.) But after 15 years on a Medical Ethics committee for our Health Region, Bear is suspicious of many things. (I won't burden you with details at this point.)

Otherwise . . .

Last time out, I shared some classical music via an orchestral and choral flash mob. Many of you seemed to enjoy that. And Terri, bless her heart, observed it was a "classical flash."  Very well written, indeed, Terri! I missed that observation myself, proving that Terri is smarter than an above-average Bear. 

Today, another sort of "classical flash," though the music is a bit more contemporary.

Blessings and Bear hugs, friends!